Summer pet Tips

Minnie Mururi
6 min readAug 2, 2019

Summertime means increased outdoor activities with your cat or dog. This is a great time to bond with your pet. However, high temperatures can bring about health risks to your furry friend. The high temperatures can bring about skin and ear infections and possibly the worst of them all — heatstroke.

Pets do not sweat and can easily become overheated. Dogs tend to cool themselves through panting, but when the air is too hot, it might be hard for them to keep cool. On the other hand, cats can tolerate heat better than dogs. This does not mean that you should not forget about your cat during summer.

To avoid any complications with your pet during summer, you need to keep them comfy, cool, and safe. Read on to learn summer safety tips for dogs and cats.

How do you take care of a dog in the summer?

Pet care during summer is essential. Dogs react differently to heat. Dogs that have dark fur absorb heat fast as compared to those with light coats. On the other hand, overweight dogs are more prone to strokes and dehydration. Dogs that have a snub nose like pugs and bulldogs are less efficient in cooling down.

Here are tips you can use to make your dog enjoy summertime.

Take your Dog out During Cool Time of the day

Summertime does not mean less outdoor time. Take your dog out when it is not too hot. You can do this early in the morning and late in the evening when the sun has set. Walk your dog at a gentle pace that has breaks. Always remember to carry water to keep him hydrated during your walk.

If you cannot take your dog during the cooler times of the day, always have protective padding for his paws. During the hot times, the ground can be too hot to crack, burn, and hurt his paws.

Swimming is the best alternative to walking. It is a great exercise and keeps your puppy cool as they exercise and have fun.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!

Always make sure your fur friend has plenty of clean, fresh, and cool water. You can also give them electrolytes, frozen treats, or coconut water as an alternative of water to help them stay hydrated and cool.

Never give your dog human energy drinks as they are not healthy for them. Dogs tend to have a decreased appetite during the hot season, and you can consider including fluids like broth, curd, or buttermilk in their meals.

Watch out for Dehydration Signs

Dogs use panting as a mechanism to help them cool down. But when you notice excessive drooling, labored breathing, increase heart rates, restlessness, bloodshot eyes, inelastic skin, throwing up a clear liquid are signs to watch out for. Immediately call a vet when your dog gets one or more of the symptoms.

Cool your dog

It is vital to keep your dog’s temperature down during the hot weather. You can use a wet towel for your dog to lie on after a walk or wipe him with a cool cloth. Make sure you have wiped their paws, armpits and the back of the head.

Never leave your dog in the car

The car retains more heat and therefore becomes hotter than outside. It doesn’t matter it’s parked in a shed, and the heat is unimaginable. The dog’s temperature rises fast and leads to severe heatstroke.

Don’t Shave

Many people think that shaving their dogs will help them cool down. The truth is, the layers of fur protect them from overheating and sunburns. You will do them more harm when the coat is shaved. You can trim long hair, but not cutting it off.

Always observe the behavior of your dog, and use common sense to decide between helping your dog when you feel and see everything is not okay.

Do cats Tolerate heat Better than dogs?

Cats tolerate heat better than dogs, but it does not mean they should be exposed to excess heat. Locked cars can reach temperatures up to 120 degrees, so you need to be careful.

When cats are exposed to excess heat than they can take, they start panting as they try to cool themselves off. When they pant, it is nothing unusual, although it is a definite sign that they are getting hot. You only need to cool them off by taking them to a cool environment.

Your cat displays signs of a heat stroke when they start panting heavily, vomiting and diarrhea. When this happens, cool him off using tap water, and then take him to a vet immediately. It is important to arm yourself with summer pet tips to use, especially when it becomes excessively hot.

Is heat dangerous for dogs?

Dogs have few sweat glands on their paws. They do little work in regulating the dog’s body temperature. Instead, they do heavy open-mouthed breathing known as panting to help regulate their body temperature efficiently. Sometimes, panting is not enough, especially when they are exposed to high temperatures.

Heatstroke occurs when your dog’s body temperature goes above normal. When your dog’s temperature rises above 106 degrees Fahrenheit, they may be in a danger zone of getting a heat stroke. During a heat stroke, the dog’s organs shut down, and the heart might stop altogether.

Warning Signs

When your dog is exposed to excess heat than they can take, they may collapse or experience convulsions. Also, they may start to vomit, and diarrhea and their gums and turn may turn blue or bright red.

It may be better if your dog could identify the heatstroke signs early before your dog becomes severe hot. At first, your dog may be less responsive to command than normal. You can try this by simply calling their name. If they fail to respond and wander away, you need to cool them down and take them to a vet immediately.

Other signs of heatstroke include glazed eyes, fever, lack of coordination, rapid heart rate, and lack of consciousness.

What to do if your dog is Overheated

Immediately take action to cool down your dog when you see the first sign of overheating. We recommend you use the below steps to treat heat exhaustion in your dog.

1. First, immediately move your dog to a cool area. This could be indoors where the air is cool or under a fan.

2. Use a rectal thermometer to check the temperature of your dog. If the temperature is above 106 degrees, he is in the danger zone, and you should act fast by calling your vet.

3. If you are near a swimming pool or a lake, let your dog take a dip to cool them off. Alternatively, you can use a wet cloth to help him cool down. Place them on the neck, armpits and between the hind legs. Make sure to wet his ears and paws.

4. If your dog is conscious, give him cold water. Don’t force him because it could chock him. If he does not want to take water, you can wet his tongue instead. NEVER give your dog ice since it could drastically lower his temperature making his body to go in shock.

5. When you have given your dog the necessary first aid, call your vet to have them checked.

Armed with summer pet tips will help you avoid and prevent your dog from overheating. You are also in a position to know how to act when your dog overheats. With these tips, you can look forward to a safe, fun, and happy summer with your canine friend.



Minnie Mururi

Minnie Mururi is a freelance writer, pet parent and an animal lover. She offers ghostwriting, copywriting, social media management, and blogging services.